
Scott Filming Prometheus 2 In January? – ManlyMovie

Scott Filming Prometheus 2 In January?

Ridley-Scott-by-Norman-SeeffA few people assumed that another Prometheus movie had been sidelined after the announcement that Neill Blomkamp was redoing Alien3.  However that doesn’t seem to be the case.  Total Film Magazine, which is fairly credible, claims that Prometheus 2 will shoot in January 2016.  That’s according to their September print issue magazine.

I’m not sure what that means for the franchise overall but I’d like to think that both this and Blomkamp’s movie are going to happen or, even better, work together in some way to make everything tie in.  So the new timeline appears to look something like this:

Prometheus 2
Alien3 reboot

I hope Ridley Scott puts more effort this time into making this movie, aesthetically speaking, an Alien movie.  The last movie got some undeserved hatred in my opinion, but all the same I was hoping for something more derelict.