
Shane Black Talks Cancelled Lethal Weapon 5 – ManlyMovie

Shane Black Talks Cancelled Lethal Weapon 5


I put the word ‘cancelled’ in there, in the title, just in case anyone clicked the link in excitement.  Because it most indeed is still cancelled.  I missed this the other day, where Shane Black talks about Lethal Weapon 5.  Here is what he told Thrillist about the movie.

What I did at one point, we flirted with Lethal Weapon 5, and I think we had a pretty good movie, potentially. That would have been a slightly older, gunslinger version of the two of those characters. Now one’s 50 and one’s 60. That was another project I think that whatever chance it might have had went away with Mr. Gibson. Whether you think it’s fair or unfair, his chances of making $100 million movies kind of evaporated at that point.

Now he doesn’t give much away about the story there.  But I’m going to go back to an old article where Richard Donner was the last to speak about the story.  He said;

The two crazies decide to cool their lives, but it’s impossible for them to stay out of situations. It starts with Riggs and Murtaugh out in the country in a motorhome. They’re on a trip and they stop to get gas, but Roger forgets to put the brake on. So the motorhome rolls through a village, annihilating everything, and they get in serious trouble. It had a lot of heart, a lot of family. Rene (Russo, who played Lorna Cole), Darlene (Love, who played Trish Murtaugh), they would all have come back.