
Michael Biehn Contracted To Film Alien 5 In August – ManlyMovie

Michael Biehn Contracted To Film Alien 5 In August


We have moved from DEFCON rumor to DEFCON signed on dotted line, as far as Michael Biehn’s involvement with the upcoming Alien 5 (aka Alien3 V2.0, according to ignored hints dropped by the director).  Biehn has confirmed it via his Instagram account.

The event he speaks of is in August.  Shit, that’s kinda close.  Biehn also confirmed on the account that he was approached for a Terminator: Genisys cameo, but turned it down.  Can’t think why.  Biehn used to be on the IMDb actually, posting on the board for his profile.  However I don’t think you’ll find him on there anymore.