Nicolas Cage is Frank, an ex-gangster, newly released after serving 19 years in prison in A Score to Settle. Frank is set free after being...
Steven Seagal’s latest action film, General Commander deals with human organ trafficking. Seagal is Jake Alexander, leader of a CIA strike team. The main player...
Passable or just watchable enough might be the highest compliment for the Cincinnati, Ohio set action film, Reprisal. Frank Grillo, of the Purge and Captain...
John Travolta, Michael Madsen and Shania Twain headline the middling sports drama, Trading Paint (2019). The title, “Trading Paint” refers to when two race cars aggressively bump into...
Run Time: 87 mins Rated: R What To Expect: Stallone cashes in with agonizing VODmit This isn’t going to be a very long review because,...
Run Time: 100 Mins Rated: R What to expect: A poor man’s Under Siege, lousy production values Here is a fool writing this review, because...
Run Time: 94 Mins Rated: R What To Expect: Lazy, shark jumping cash grab. Those Saw movies used to be good, at least the first...
When we are young we have a sense of hopefulness and wonder that unfortunately seems to slowly, gradually disappear as we age. One of the...
Run Time: 106 Mins Rated: PG-13 What To Expect: Nolan’s best movie since Insomnia, stunning 4K immersion Dunkirk breaks new ground in atmosphere and realism for a WW2...
With each new Furious movie, Vin Diesel’s CGI car flies four miles higher through the CGI sky. And each time I become increasingly bored, agitated...
There is one film that has caused somewhat of a sensation in the United States of America ever since it premiered in the last Sundance...
Run Time: 95 Mins Rated: R What To Expect: Poor man’s early Tarantino/Guy Ritchie movie, awkward mess Don’t bother. You might know things are bad...
I kind of had quiet hopes for this film. If nothing else it had Scott Adkins and Robert Knepper, I knew they’d go to town...
Well I guess we can finally answer the burning question that all of us had earlier this year, was Steven Seagal’s Sniper: Special Forces a part...
After the horrific Sniper: Special Ops, the recent Steven Seagal movie that marked possibly a new low in his career, we jump back up slightly...
I wonder if John Travolta watched the movie ‘John Wick’ then, perhaps before he’d even finished watching it, called up his agent and said; “We...
I wondered several times while watching season six of The Walking Dead how much longer it would go on. Not ‘is there going to be...
Here’s a 90 minute quicksand pit of bush league boredom. And if you want my advice you should ignore this movie, even those of you...