
Stallone Suing Warner Over Demolition Man – ManlyMovie

Stallone Suing Warner Over Demolition Man

One of my favourite movies ever (damn, it’s so fucking good, especially now that we’re in generation snowflake) is back in the news this week.  But probably for the wrong reasons.  According THR, Sylvester Stallone says Warner Bros. are crooked as fuck, and Demolition Man is a prime example.

He’s suing them.

The actor claims that the studio intentionally concealed ‘Demolition Man’ profits and is seeking to “end” bad accounting practices on Warners’ part “for all talent.”

According to the lawsuit, Stallone got 15 percent of defined gross once the picture earned $125 million. WhenDemolition Man earned more than $200 million, his take would escalate to 17.5 percent, and when it surpassed $250 million, his profit participation would climb to 20 percent.

Demolition Man, states the complaint, achieved at least $125 million, so Stallone asserts he’s entitled to at least 15 percent.

Stallone says that after 1997, he got no profit participation statements until his agent reached out to Warners in 2014 to inquire.

Warner Bros. was the home of Creed.  So does this potentially put a sequel in jeopardy, at least one with Stallone in it?

SEE ALSO: Demolition Man On The 3D0 Is Kinda Fascinating