
Five Weapons That Could Fuck Up A Predator – Page 5 – ManlyMovie

Five Weapons That Could Fuck Up A Predator

1) Bio Force Gun v3.14 (Doom)


A fictional weapon.  Yes.  But what a deadly piece of kit.  You aim at a Predator with this thing and it’s all over.  This appeared in one of the Rock’s meaner and nastier movies, the (sort of) underrated Doom.

We don’t really know the true power of this one, other than the fact that it will pretty much act as a one-man shock and awe deliverer.  Children of the 1980s and 1990s will remember this beast from the original games, when the pressure was on, this was the thing you’d look for.  That, and the Doom chainsaw, which is also a very manly movie weapon (but can it cut through bone and even solid steel?!).

To be sure, this could be the single most powerful non crew-served portable weapon in movie history.


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