
Some Interesting ‘Genisys’ Voting On The IMDb – ManlyMovie

Some Interesting ‘Genisys’ Voting On The IMDb

terminator53dIf you take a look at Terminator: Genisys on the IMDb, you’ll see that the movie is sitting around a 7.0.  That appears to be an odd departure from the consensus elsewhere on the movie.  On Metacritic, the movie is sitting at 38%.  On Rotten Tomatoes, it sits at 27%.  In fact, the IMDb score looks to be twice as positive.

Further digging with regards to its IMDb score reveals something interesting.  Voters on that site sure do do love Terminator: Genisys.  The third most popular rating is 10/10.  By contrast on the same site, the 10/10 rating for The Terminator is the fourth most popular rating.  So, thus far at least, people are more quick to give Terminator: Genisys a 10/10 than the original movie.  Ain’t that somethin’!

Even more peculiar, before the movie was even released, Terminator: Genisys already had 800 10/10 votes.  This was by far the most popular vote.  It was almost as if someone was trying to bump the movie’s score before it was released, in time for that all important opening weekend.  Surely not.

terminatorimdbratingRecently when I wrote the article, Vote Rigging on the IMDb, I found the proof I was looking for.  It came via a DTV Vinnie Jones movie filmed in Lithuanina. ‘Redirected‘. It had an IMDb rating of 7.6 back then, but Jesus, it started off with a 9.5.  Of the 17,000 people who voted on the movie, an incredible 9,800 loved it so damned much that they gave it a 10/10.  And please, take my word for it, in the most civil term possible, this is not a good movie.

But with this movie, who knows.  Maybe 8,000 people loved Terminator: Genisys dearly?  Perhaps the idea that deranged fanboyism is at play just a conspiracy theory too far?!  What if we really go through the looking glass and wonder if it was the studio itself had a hand, like the distributors handling Vinnie Jones’ movie?  Surely not!

At anyway rate, signing up the for the IMDb and voting is easy.  It can be done in less than a minute.  I guess people – perhaps those Arnold Schwarzenegger fanboys who once suggested photoshopping pictures of full cinemas for his movies – felt compelled to sign up and have their say!