
Jesse Ventura Wants To Be Trump’s Vice President – ManlyMovie

Jesse Ventura Wants To Be Trump’s Vice President

jesseventura2Captain Freedom to wardrobe.  Captain Freedom, please report to wardrobe.  Since Donald Trump has revealed his aspirations to become the President of the United States, manly man Jesse Ventura has now offered his services to become his assistant.  That’s right, Vice President of the USA.

Ventura said he is not a registered Republican, which he would have to be if Trump would accept him.  But that if Trump did indeed accept him, he’d go through the channels to make it happen.  Personally, I think people put too much faith in what are obviously plutocracies, here in the west.  And for that reason I don’t think Trump will get anywhere near the presidency.  He is perhaps another Ross Perot, a figure who conveniently split the GOP and got a Clinton elected.

But imagine Trump and Ventura in the White House.  How long would it be before one of them ran head first into a bullet, or had their plane nosedive into the Atlantic?  Anyway, check out their first campaign promo right here…