
Important! Krang Headed To Big Screen – ManlyMovie

Important! Krang Headed To Big Screen

krangPeople of a certain age will always appreciate The Turtles, it’s just a generational thing.  If you’re like me as a kid you’d often watch Turtles on a Saturday morning, fuck up some shit outside on a Saturday afternoon then watch Walter Hill movies on a Saturday night.

Anyway, enough bullshit talk.  ‘Krang’, that badass fuckin’ brain from the TMNT series, is being brought to the big screen by Michael Bay in the new Turtles movie.  I loved that thing, man.  Especially the time when it jacked itself up on some space ‘roids and destroyed a few city blocks on a rampage.

Alas, the question is, will it all be ruined because it’s a Michael Bay production?  I do not know personally, maybe those who have watched the first movie will know better.  Something really put me off and it was the look of the Turtles, the fact that they had no noses.  Someone on the ‘net remedied this with a simple Photoshop;

Apparently they haven’t fixed this the second time around.  But I dunno, since Bebop and Rocksteady are also in this movie, one might be forced to observe it for nostalgic purposes.  I mean the actual Bebop and Rocksteady, not those cheap rip offs from the second movie.

Anyway, Krang eh?  What a total badass.