You might have heard recently that Turkish President Recep Erdogan came after a German satirist for pointing out that the man is, in fact, a murdering scumbag. He also said that the man has sex with goats.
Now another man, Uwe Boll, said that Recep Erdogan is a murderer and that his wife has sex with horses. Check out the below;
That public show of support for one of Mr. Erdogan’s critics further angered the Turkish leader, who this week won a preliminary injunction against the filmmaker Uwe Boll, for criticizing Mr. Erdogan in a video posted online.
You can see the video above. Can you believe this scumbag? The guy is practically keeping multiple logistics arteries open that directly feed ISIS, leading to mass murder and atrocities and even cannibalism. And he wants to sue people who critisize him?
Oh boy, this gives me an idea. So far, no-one has had the balls to shoot a movie where a manly man takes on and kills hordes of ISIS scum. Well, I think Uwe Boll is the man to do it. Think… Rampage, in Syria, with a finale where a gun-toting hero kills Recep Erdogan!
Good man, Uwe.