The Predator hits next month. The film has had a troubled production and negative word of mouth, expectations are not good. However if you’re in Japan and know little of the movie, this teaser would probably make you shit your pants in excitement.
> 伝説襲来 <
 ̄Y^Y^Y^Y^Y ̄地球外最強のハンター= #プレデター
進化した[究極のプレデター]が出現 絶滅必至の人類に果たして生き残る道はあるのか…
— 映画『ザ・プレデター』公式 (@PredatorMovieJP) August 13, 2018
No super Predators, no Mercury Rising children… current talk in bars in Japan, ‘Hey, there’s a new Predator movie from Shane Black, check these teaser out!’