Was it only a matter of time before this happened in real life? The plot of Universal Soldier, to create genetically enhanced super soldiers, seems to be a real prospect in China.
John Ratcliffe, who s served as President Trump’s director of intelligence has said:
“US intelligence shows that China has even conducted human testing on members of the People’s Liberation Army in hope of developing soldiers with biologically enhanced capabilities,”
Mind you, the source of the news is The Guardian, a noted Legacy Media promulgator of outright fake news. The technology is called CRISPR.
While the potential leveraging of CRISPR to increase human capabilities on the future battlefield remains only a hypothetical possibility at the present, there are indications that Chinese military researchers are starting to explore its potential,” wrote the scholars, Elsa Kania, an expert on Chinese defense technology at the Center for a New American Security, and Wilson VornDick, a consultant on China matters and former US Navy officer.
Will they inject themselves with steroids when invading Taiwan? C’mon, somebody has to make a movie about this. We just got our theme for the next UniSol movie. Although after Hollywood’s cowardly altering of the (crappy) Red Dawn remake, I wouldn’t hold my breath.