
We Won’t Tolerate Another PG Terminator Movie – ManlyMovie

We Won’t Tolerate Another PG Terminator Movie

There was a bit more positivity recently about Terminator: Genesis when it was suggested that the movie would find its way back to the original timeline (although that could go disastrously wrong for hardcore fans).  But let’s put the brakes on that a minute.

Head back to earlier this week when Arnold told Collider that Terminator: Genesis would be similar to Terminator 2.  Firstly that’s just P.R. talk.  What that translates to is a musing, how he’d like it if that was the case.  In that same interview they asked Arnold whether or not the movie would be PG-13 or Rated-R.  His response was “I don’t know”.

Well that’s not very encouraging.  One of the worst things about Terminator: Salvation was that it looked like a greyed-out Transformers movie.  A weekend family gig.  Not only is it not encouraging but it’s running contrary to Arnold’s words in his book, where he says that these types of movies, before all else, must be Rated-R to appease the core audience.  Appease the core audience, Arnold said, and the rest would sort itself out.

Well we are the core audience and we don’t want no fucking PG-13 Terminator movie, Schwarzenegger or no Schwarzenegger.  And it seems that the good money right now is on it being exactly that.  To make amends for the last movie, to get real fans on board, at the very least they must make it a movie for grown ups.  Can you imagine revisiting the original Terminator movie within a PG-13 movie?  The whole movie is pretty much anti-PG territory with sex, swearing and the slaughter of an entire police department.

The word Genesis suggests originality, it donates the beginning of something.  You can’t go back to the origins of the movie with PG-13 baggage.

What do we want to see?  Violence, of course.  But not just violence for the sake of violence.  We want the movie to be dark, brooding and menacing, like the original and best.  A good way to start on that is to have no good guy Terminators.  The Terminator/s must all do what they were designed to do – kill humans.  A good start would be to have Schwarzenegger, Avatar’d if necessary, ripping peoples hearts out.

But if it isn’t, if there are children taking out Terminators with ease and giant Power Rangers robots stomping their PG-13 feet, fuck that.  Count us out and count on some negative fucking coverage coming out of this site and elsewhere where true fans blog and visit.  It will be a mission of this site to sink Terminator: Genesis.  Look what happened to the PG-13 RoboCop.  Yes, a poor script helped kill that movie but shooting darts at enemies?  To summarize, I think soon we’re going to have to declare war on this movie.  And that’s sad.

One last thing.  In 2019 Jim Cameron will legally own the rights to the Terminator franchise again.  Why would he do that, if not to make another movie himself?  We can only hope and pray that Terminator 3, the real Terminator 3, is lurking somewhere in Cameron’s mind post-Avatar quadrilogy…