
‘Blackhat’ Now Has A Director’s Cut – ManlyMovie

‘Blackhat’ Now Has A Director’s Cut


Blackhat was a disappointing movie.  Let’s face it, a movie about hackers directed by Michael Mann should’ve been the top contender for best movie of 2015, but it just fell flat.

In any case, there’s now a director’s cut out there.  It was shown last night in New York.  According to the always great MovieCensorship;

Michael Mann has produced a Director’s Cut of the film that he will show in a retrospective of his work in New York on February 10th, 2016. It is likely that this version will have more differences than the European Cut of the movie that differed from the US version in one scene (see comparison).

Hmm, I’m intrigued.  While I’d be cynical about a complete U-turn for the movie, maybe this director’s cut will be at least more watchable.  Anyway, I’m Mann we trust.  Still a genius in my opinion.