
ManlyMovie Surpasses One Million Hits – ManlyMovie

ManlyMovie Surpasses One Million Hits

You’ve probably noticed that modern cinema is becoming an increasingly cold place for the adult male demographic.  If you’re not a fan of Marvel or romcoms, you’re pretty much shit outta luck.  So ManlyMovie was launched last summer as a fully active site and a retreat for people who like manly movies.

Most sites, so they say, have trouble passing the first two months.  So thankfully we have survived getting out of the gate and I’m pleased to say we’ve also passed a milestone of having one million hits this afternoon.  Yes, it’s not that much, we’re never going to pull behemoth followers like some super hero sites, but one thing I’ve learned is that there are people out there who’ve had a belly full of the mainstream.

A few fans of similar taste have helped the site survive.  Everyone who writes for it and others who have contributed with design, social media etc.  And especially tips.  We have a mole or two who definitely helped, they know who they are and what they provided.  At times their material has kept our head above water.

Not least though, thanks to our readers.  You’re the motivation for keeping the site running.  So long as you want the latest on movies to crack open a Bud to, we’ll hang around.  Lastly, don’t forget to check out the nucleus of ManlyMovie over at the forums.  We can also be spotted fucking around on FaceBook.