
[VIDEO] Rocky Balboa In Creed (2015) – ManlyMovie

[VIDEO] Rocky Balboa In Creed (2015)


Things are rolling ahead with this Rocky spin off.  A new video has emerged of Rocky Balboa on the set of ‘Creed’.

So yeah, it’s supposed to be an entirely separate movie but so far Sylvester Stallone is dominating publicity for this thing, so really it’s de-facto the seventh Rocky movie.  I think to offset that problem they should’ve considered a bigger name than Michael B. Jordan.  But who knows.

There’s not much in the video but I’ll be damned if it doesn’t look like footage from Rocky Balboa (2006).  Everything looks similar, right down to the van Balboa uses.

The movie is released this November.  Check this out.  Edit:  Okay, they don’t like embedding.  So click here to view.