
Poll: T3, T4 Or Sarah Connor Chronicles? – ManlyMovie

Poll: T3, T4 Or Sarah Connor Chronicles?


Recently Arnold Schwarzenegger took a shit on Terminator: Salvation.  It sucked, he said (correct).  But then I started thinking, was Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines all that much better?  Look, we all know that The Terminator and Terminator 2: Judgement Day are god-tier movies that can’t be touched.

But what of their sequels, which one is the better movie?

You could look at this a few ways I suppose.  Terminator 3 is R-rated and has Arnold Schwarzenegger in it, the real version that is.  But it has some really awkward comedy in there and as French Predator has mentioned, the director says in the commentary that he had no idea what the hell the arrival scene was about, but he did find it funny.

Then there’s Terminator: Salvation, which is a more serious movie somewhat, with Christian Bale, but has Transformers in it and the whole Sam Worthington sub plot was kinda shitty.  However, it is the only post-T2 feature where John Connor isn’t some inept bitch.

I was going to make this a poll between the two movies until I remembered the TV series, The Sarah Connor Chronicles.  I was kinda harsh on that recently, which isn’t to say it’s  especially good.  But the first season has a certain interest, I remember being pleased that it retconned T3 at least. But  the second season definitely hit the skids from what I remember.

So what do you think?  Is an Arnold-free Terminator an affront to the series?  Is the TV show better than both movies?  Also, who was the best John Connor?  Oddly enough with the exception of Michael Edwards, I think Christian Bale was the best John Connor out of all the movies.