
Christopher Lambert Says He’ll Be In The Expendables 4 – ManlyMovie

Christopher Lambert Says He’ll Be In The Expendables 4


Will there be an Expendables 4?  Yes there will.  Who will be in it?  Nobody knows, despite all the rumours that usually accompany these movies, the cast is often influenced by the nth hour schedule.

For instance, Christopher Lambert was supposed to be in The Expendables 3, however that agreement he had with Sylvester Stallone came too late in the day.  Now, Lambert has been telling Yahoo that he’s definitely going to be in the fourth movie, ‘if it gets made’. which it will be.  So perhaps he will be in it.  ‘If there’s an Expendables 4, I will be in it’.

What would a Lambert role look like?  Probably an Eric Roberts type deal, with, unfortunately, terribly ‘comedy’ puns about Kilts at the intractable insistence of Sylvester Stallone that these movies be turned into Naked Gun style spoofs.

Incidentally, Lambert often reminds me on Thomas Jane, who once sardonically told me that he has not and will not appear in an Expendables movie because he’s too young.  I guess his sense of humour does not fit.