
Redford Drops Out Of September 11th Thriller – ManlyMovie

Redford Drops Out Of September 11th Thriller


Up until recently director Robert Redford was set to direct the 9/11 orientated thriller ‘Against All Enemies’.

The project was based on Richard A. Clarke’s best-selling memoir.  Clarke was a counterterrorism adviser to three presidents, who charged in his book that the George W. Bush administration prioritized Iraq above threats from Al Qaeda both before and after the September 11th attacks.

Now Redford has dropped out of the project, citing the need to promote A Walk in the Woods, a lighthearted comedy.  Yeah, right.  I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that that reason does not pass the smell test, since this has been on his agenda for years as a pet project yet now gets shunned because of promotion for a throwaway movie.  And that Redford got in over his head, thinking he could take on the system and change the world with a movie.

Some people are naive like that, apparently after decades in the industry too.  Asking inconvenient questions about 9/11 is a surefire way to get your career Mel Gibson’ed.

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