
Five Underrated Thrillers To Consider: Part I – Page 5 – ManlyMovie

Five Underrated Thrillers To Consider: Part I

The House of the Devil (2009)

Alright, so this film isn’t exactly up our usual street as such, but I thought a little variety could be added here with a horror movie thrown in.  This is a spine chiller set in the 1980s, a movie about satanic goings on with the freaks living up yonder.

The badass Tom Noonan (Robocop 2, Manhunter, Heat) stars alongside the sultry Jocelin Donahue.  It’s a horror movie, but not one of those silly movies where seriously obnoxious teenagers or college asswipes run around yelling and getting stuck in awful clichés.  Rather, it’s slow, creepy and moves at its own pace.  This is a nuanced deal and for my money, the pay off is good.

I thought it would suck, or mildly bore me.  It most certainly didn’t.

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