
Michael B. Jordan Talks First Meeting Stallone – ManlyMovie

Michael B. Jordan Talks First Meeting Stallone

creed1It looks like there’s going to be another Rocky movie quietly released this year.  At first I thought the low-key publicity of the movie would change with a trailer, which would prompt people to (correctly) ridicule the movie as blatantly the seventh sixth sequel.  Still seems quiet though.

Anyway, speaking with Empire Magazine for their October issue, Michael B. Jordan (Adonis Creed) spoke about first meeting Sylvester Stallone in his office.

‘He started to show me how to shadow box right there in his office (laughs).  He hit me a body blow and I was like, “damn, he’s still got some bite”.  He was a great collaborator.  We were constantly working together to make scenes better.  He’s got a crazy work ethic, crazy energy.  Rocky is such a huge part of his life.  He’s got so many stories, always something entertaining going on with that guy.  And he’s got no filter at all, he’ll tell you anything.

Pressed to relay one of those stories, Jordan responded: ‘Can’t tell you that man, that’s guy talk (laughs)’.

Creed is released November 25th.