
Scott Says Prometheus Will Join “Alien”… Eventually – ManlyMovie

Scott Says Prometheus Will Join “Alien”… Eventually

Ridley-Scott-by-Norman-SeeffA lot of people were divided when it came to Prometheus.  Some liked it, some loathed it.  I personally do not have any serious problems with the movie but I did feel that it wanted for a more “Alien” feel.  This week director Ridley Scott has spoken about this

“Prometheus has its own story to tell before it eventually ties into the movie that started it all…it won’t be in the next one. It will be in the one after this one or maybe even a fourth film before we get back into the ‘Alien’ franchise.”

And why exactly do we need all of this build up? Scott elaborated:

“The whole point of it is to explain the ‘Alien’ franchise and to explain the how and why of the creation of the Alien itself. I always thought of the Alien as a kind of piece of bacterial warfare. I always thought that that original ship, which I call the Croissant, was a battleship, holding these biomechanoid creatures that were all about destruction.”

So with Neill Blomkamp’s new Alien movie on the way it appears that the franchise is really set to explode again.

Source: [Collider]

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