
Neil Marshall Shits On CGI Action – ManlyMovie

Neil Marshall Shits On CGI Action

DoomsdayIf you have a big budget action movie these days, chances are it’s going to have some level of CGI happening.  While it can be used to good effect, Jurassic Park and Mad Max: Fury Road are two good examples where CGI is used to buttress practical effects, other movies take it too far.

Director Neil Marshall is of the same opinion.  Speaking to i09,  Marhsall says; “You don’t care about the characters, and there’s no jeopardy because everything’s done in a computer somewhere.” That’s why he tries to do practical stunts as much as possible, with “real people and real cars,” so that you can see that it’s really happening. With CGI and greenscreen, there’s a tendency towards “characters who can fall off buildings and just get a scratch. It’s like, ‘Well, there’s no jeopardy, so why should I care? And if I don’t care, then I’m not going to get sucked into this. I’m not going to feel anything.”

You know, Marshall has some good movies.  The Descent, Dog Soldiers and Centurion are pretty decent and worth checking out.