
Tarantino Declares Fury Road Best Of 2015 – ManlyMovie

Tarantino Declares Fury Road Best Of 2015


Quentin Tarantino might have had a busy year but it seems he still has had time to check out Mad Max: Fury Road at his home cinema.  But is it the best movie of the year or not?  Speaking with ‘Premiere’, a French news outlet, he says…  “It would have to be the Mad Max movie, Fury Road.” He continued:

I got a print of Mad Max on 35mm and I watched it in my house, and I had it all weekend and I ended up watching it three different times, and I resisted seeing it for a while because I was like, ‘Mad Max without Mel Gibson? Forget that!’ In a world where Mel Gibson exists, how can you cast Tom Hardy? So, I even wanted to get all defiant about it and #NotMyMax. Then I saw the movie and, ‘Okay, it’s terrific,’ and he’s pretty good in it, I have to admit.

Fury Road could be the best movie of 2015 although I wonder if The Revenant will have anything to say about that, if we consider The Revenant to actually be a 2015 movie.