
They’re Making A Lamborghini Movie – ManlyMovie

They’re Making A Lamborghini Movie

Since Michael Mann is making a Ferrari movie, why not have a Lamborghini movie too? Andrea Iervolino and Monika Bacardi’s AMBI Group is developing a biopic about the life of Ferruccio Lamborghini, founder of the famous car maker.

The movie will follow a book and input from Lamborghini’s son Tonino, the Lamborghini film will cover the life of the iconic entrepreneur, from the manufacturing of tractors (Lamborghini Tractors) at the start of his career, to creating military vehicles during World War II, and then on to designing and building the Lamborghini cars that ultimately defined his profound legacy.

“Lamborghini – The Legend” is the film’s working title. AMBI has optioned the life rights.