
Len Wiseman Talks Die Hard 6 – ManlyMovie

Len Wiseman Talks Die Hard 6

diehardreviewIt looks like that story of another Die Hard movie happening is indeed true.  And that it will heavily feature a young John McClane in the 1970s.  And that it would be directed by Len Wiseman, helmer of DHINO.  This ‘prequel/sequel’ idea led many to speculate that Bruce Willis was trying to offload most of the work on someone else, while still getting his face on the poster (gee, whatever could’ve gave them that idea?).  Speaking to iFilm, that won’t be so, according to Len Wiseman.

“He will be more present than that. This character of course is modern day and the origin story if you can call it that has ramifications on present day McClane. What it’s not is it’s not a cameo bookend scenario. It’s a prequel/sequel hybrid that I really haven’t seen before and is incredibly different.” 

Wiseman went further to describe what he wants the movie to be about;

“It’s a delicate balance of giving you a sense of what started McClane, because McClane when he comes into Die Hard 1 has a lot of emotional baggage, baggage in general moreso than a lot of our other action characters in the sense that he’s already divorced. He’s got an incredible chip on his shoulder. He’s bitter. His captain hates him, doesn’t want him back in New York. What caused all that? Why was he already that guy?” 

I’m sorry, but this has the potential to be an utter disaster.  Len Wiseman, the man who killed Die Hard, is coming back to its grave to dig it up and do some questionable things to its corpse, and Bruce Willis is there with a shovel, helping him out.