
A Look At The London Has Fallen Classification – ManlyMovie

A Look At The London Has Fallen Classification


Is London Has Fallen getting less coverage online than it should be?  Maybe.  So I wonder if anyone might have noticed if they somehow slipped a PG-13 in on us.  I don’t think that’s going to happen, but we can get a look at the UK rating, which is placed as ’15’.

The BBFC describes the movie as having ‘strong violence, threat, injury detail, strong language’.  As Mark (who sent this in) notes, the original description for the first movie was slightly different with ‘ Contains strong bloody violence and strong language’.

Mark also adds: this was passed uncut as a 15 and no pre-cuts were made to secure this rating so I expect it is the same version the USA will be getting.

The violence and mild gore were kind of a staple of the first movie.  So I’m hoping we don’t see too much difference here, I’m betting they wouldn’t be so stupid as to tone it down drastically.  Remember!  No soft ass shit!