
Stallone Snubbed At Oscars. Again. – ManlyMovie

Stallone Snubbed At Oscars. Again.


Quite a few people expected Sylvester Stallone to lift an Oscar for his performance in the manly movie ‘Creed’, best supporting actor is what he was looking for.  Turns out that Sylvester Stallone was snubbed for the award.

I don’t see why anyone would be surprised.

I’m not sure, but I think that Sylvester Stallone might hold some type of record for a number of ‘Razzies’ held, in other words, they really love throwing ‘worst actor’ at him.  The whole thing is a farce and none of us should take it seriously.

Actually, Stallone should have won this a long time ago.  His performance in Cop Land was even better, really good acting.  And yet he was snubbed there too, so can we honestly say that these things are called down the middle? You know the deal, the judges are a bunch of pissant wine sniffers who discuss politics, first, second and last and then as an addendum give some awards.

Fuck your Oscars.