
Winstead Wants To Lead Die Hard – ManlyMovie

Winstead Wants To Lead Die Hard


A report came out a while back that they were developing a new Die Hard, kind of a a prequel/sequel hybrid. Someone would play McClane in the 1970s while Bruce Willis would collect his pay cheque for playing uh.. Bruce Willis, in the present.

Anyway, Mary Elizabeth Winstead, who played Lucy McClane, also wants in on the action.  She hopes to reprise her McClane character for a “Die Hard” spin-off one day. “I’m ready! I’m still ready! I’m barefoot for a lot of [10 Cloverfield Lane] and so McClane was brought up a lot”, the actress tells Fandango. “In the close-ups I’d wear slippers just for comfort, but in the wide shots I had to go barefoot. So Dan [Trachtenberg] would say, ‘You gotta go full McClane. Full McClane!’ […] Hey, I’ve always wanted to take over the McClane name. I’m more than ready!”

She’s kind of joking, but then, also half joking.  Don’t let tenth-wave feminists or white knight beta males get word of this. And guess who is down for a lucrative cameo? Can you imagine it?  Unfortunately…
