
Melissa McCarthy Attacks Ghostbusters Fans – ManlyMovie

Melissa McCarthy Attacks Ghostbusters Fans


The new Ghostbusters movie has come down with somewhat of an affliction, people don’t like it.  In fact it’s the most hated movie trailer in YouTube history.  There appears to be two kinds of upset people, those angry at how awful it looks and those angry at how politically cynical it is.  Or perhaps there’s just one type of person upset with two of those reasons.

One of the actresses in the movie, Melissa McCarthy, offered some words this week during an interview on Ghostbusters fans, with The Guardian, saying:

“All those comments – ‘You’re ruining my childhood!’ I mean, really…Four women doing any movie on earth will destroy your childhood? I have a visual of those people not having a [my husband] Ben, not having friends, so they’re just sitting there and spewing hate into this fake world of the internet. I just hope they find a friend.”

Meanwhile you have director Paul Feig, a man who sat down with his political superiors and decided on how to advance a political agenda first, then which movie to exploit it with second, getting upset that people have caught onto his ideological bullshit;

“The first wave when you make an announcement like that is overwhelmingly positive. Everyone’s so happy and you’re like, this is great. Then comes the second wave and you’re like, Oh my God. Some of the most vile, misogynistic sh– I’ve ever seen in my life.”

You have a guy who deliberately trojan-horsed a popular franchise, who then cries foul when it fails and blames those who grew wise to it.  Poor baby!