
Ghostbusters Toys Already On Clearance – ManlyMovie

Ghostbusters Toys Already On Clearance

The trailer for the new Ghostbusters movie, also known as political extremist Paul Feig’s latest movie, has surpassed 900,000 dislikes.  Shit, I’m going to go ahead and call that some kind of record without even checking.  I’m also going to encourage readers to dislike the trailer if they haven’t already.  Clicky clicky!

It gets worse though.  Merchandising is already being treated like a turd in a swimming pool.

Multiple reports (and some editorials) have come in that Targets have been putting ALL of Mattel’s Ghostbusters reboot merch on clearance.  Damn, the fucking movie isn’t even out yet and already its toys are being treated like nuclear waste.  Since the movie is going to bomb, we’ll have rabid SJWs try to frame its failure on misogyny even though it looks downright awful and it was demonstrably being used as a political weapon.

Mind you, look at that pic above.  There’s the old T-Rex.  Anyone here remember that toy from 23 years ago?  With the real fleshy skin?  Jurassic Park toys were amazing back in the day…