
James Franco Rumoured For The Predator – ManlyMovie

James Franco Rumoured For The Predator

If things go according to plan then ‘The Predator’ will begin production in September in Vancouver.  That’s not too far away, so we should start hearing more casting information soon.

The latest coming from The Wrap, is that Shane Black was initially interested in either Ben Affleck or Christian Bale for the lead role in his Predator sequel, but that because neither of those came through, James Franco’s agents are now pushing to secure the lead for him.

At first, you’d think that this news (okay, rumour) is somewhat odd.  Franco is not exactly someone who is manly, but since Black is also apparently looking for ‘actors’, Franco is hardly one of those either.  Can anyone stand this guy in those movies with turd and dildo jokes?  Does anyone like this man at all?  Considering him for the lead is especially puzzling.

But… I still remember a report on MovieHole, way, way back.  It said that Adrien Brody’s agents were lobbying hard to have him appear in the next Predator movie.  At the time, Brody was most certainly not a manly man and his resume had hit the skids.  It looked unlikely.  But it wasn’t what he knew, it was who he knew.

Don’t do it, Shane…