
Weaver Reaffirms: Alien 3 V.2 Retcons Sequels – ManlyMovie

Weaver Reaffirms: Alien 3 V.2 Retcons Sequels


Talk of the new Aliens sequel has been quiet, but it’s still happening. In speaking with EW about the 30th anniversary of the James Cameron-written/directed film, Aliens, Sigourney Weaver pretty much confirmed that her upcoming sequel with Blomkamp directing would also remove later sequels.

“It’s just as if, you know, the path forks and one direction goes off to three and four and another direction goes off to Neill’s movie.”

It was a little over a year ago that Blomkamp himself said as much, making his intentions clear:

“My favorites are the first two movies. So I want to make a film that’s connected to Alien and Aliens. That’s my goal. I’m not trying to undo Alien 3 or Alien: Resurrection, I just want it to be connected to Alien and Aliens.”

Good to know.  Now are we getting a Captain Hicks?