
How Does This Look Any Worse Than The Next Leotard Movie? – ManlyMovie

How Does This Look Any Worse Than The Next Leotard Movie?


I think we should start calling this endless scourge of super hero movies, LeoTard movies, or something.  Anyway, now Russia is getting in on the act too with their movie Guardians (see trailer below).

In the movie a secret Cold War organization created a squad of superheroes – a rock-man, a sword-wielding speedster, an invisible woman and a dude that appears to be half-bear with a gatling. For years they had to hide their identity, but in hard times and with a new dangerous enemy emerging, they must reunite.

If you ask me, it looks like another superhero movie, number 4,567.  It’s getting a negative reaction among LeoTard fans.  ‘Oh, it’s not Marvel or DC?  It sucks!  Wait, it’s from Russia? Hahaha, this movie looks terrible.’

This is funny to me because the movie doesn’t look any worse than shitty LeoTard heroes destroy CGI city, episode 3,984.  The people laughing at this are apparently oblivious to the fact that Marvel and DC movies suck just as bad, maybe even worse.  Actually, I don’t know whether it’s funny or cringe-inducing.

It’s not just sheep consumer brand loyalty though.

There are a ton of western idiots (I make this observation as a westerner myself) who simply don’t like Russia. Often, they’re the type who pay too much attention to spandex and not enough attention to real geo-politics.  Funny how that works, the type who are into Batman way too much are the types who believe any old shit on the news.

Many are even jealous of Russia now.  Oh yeah, I said it!  Vladimir Putin has more balls than ten western leaders.  Oh and one more thing, the plot of this movie seems to be a metaphor for Russia’s current renaissance.  That’ll stick in the craw of many.