
Italy Offers De Niro Asylum – ManlyMovie

Italy Offers De Niro Asylum


Bless poor Robert De Niro’s heart.  After threatening to thump the Trump before the election results came out, the man is now surely stricken with grief now that the unthinkable has happened.

But there is hope.

De Niro has been offered refuge in Italy, after he jokingly said he would move there should Donald Trump win the US election.  So will De Niro stay true to his word and take Italy up on their offer? Make your mind up soon, Bobby, Italy is about to abandon the E.U.

Other celebrities have threatened to leave the United States if they did not like the democratic outcome, including Bryan Cranston (Breaking Bad).  Some, like Katy Perry, are even calling for a ‘revolution’.  Okay Katy, oil your rifle and lead the way…