
UPDATED: More Cryptic Rambo 5 Posts From Stallone – ManlyMovie

UPDATED: More Cryptic Rambo 5 Posts From Stallone


UPDATED: Here is another update on this.  It appears that Stallone is continuing to stir the Rambo: Last Stand pot.  This weekend he gave us this tweet;

He again peddled the it’s not over line.  He recorded a scene from Rambo (2008) off screen from his cellphone with Trautman ranting that Rambo must face the fact that he has to come full circle.  Interestingly, this montage scene had different music from what I remembered in the actual movie, does Stallone have a workprint at home with alternate music? But, obviously, if you click that link to his Instagram post, he quickly deleted it, so you get this;


So TheHollywoodReporter is suggesting a reboot, Rambo: New Blood is happening, and Sylvester Stallone is suggesting a sequel, Rambo: Last Stand is happening.  What’s going on?  One possibility is that the former actually is happening and Stallone simply isn’t pleased about it.  But why delete links?  Or you know, maybe it’s nothing at all.

PREVIOUSLY: Last week news came that they were rebooting Rambo with a movie called Rambo: New Blood (fucking awful title and a bad omen), this was this week apparently disputed by Sylvester Stallone when he uploaded a poster to his official social media accounts for a movie called Rambo: Last Stand.  He followed that up with a picture from Rambo III, with a hint about a new Rambo movie.

Now Stallone has continued with his cryptic postings.

The truth has very sharp edges and cuts deep in both directions…

A photo posted by Sly Stallone (@officialslystallone) on

Is there some type of dispute with Stallone and the studio? What is the ‘truth’? And why is Sylvester Stallone uploading posters for Rambo: Last Stand a week after THR claimed Nu Image announced a movie called Rambo: New Blood?