
This Michael Keaton Q&A Is Cool – ManlyMovie

This Michael Keaton Q&A Is Cool

Here’s a new video Q&A with Michael Keaton coming in via Variety, where Keaton is promoting his new movie The Founder.

Keaton answers various questions including stuff about his new movie, to Batman.

Obviously, Keaton is very charismatic.  Even shitty questions are fun to listen to when it’s Keaton who is answering them.  This reminds me on a funny story Keaton mentioned years ago in an interview with Empire! magazine.

On his martial arts training for Batman, Keaton was so impressed and newfangled with his new skills that he said he walked the streets of London at night hoping that someone would attack him, so he could ‘kick there ass’.  He was joking, I think.

Thanks to: Sergei