The new King Arthur looks like total shit.
Or, if I might say, girlie-man shit. Isn’t King Arthur historically recognized as a mythical figure who is impossibly manly? Then, what the fuck is going on with Guy Ritchie’s new movie? I mean, Charlie Hunnam isn’t really the problem, rather the production and direction of this movie is.
Arthur looks like a bitch. He looks like he’s getting ready to film a metrosexual Hugo Boss advert. Were men in ye old days manicured and effete?
What the fuck is this bullshit?!
And don’t get me started on David Beckham. I don’t think I hate anyone in life, but David Beckham could probably win me around with minimal effort. Consult the YouTube comments on his appearance in the shampoo commercial movie;
“Beckham sounds like a 12yr old kid. Like his balls havent dropped and his voice never broke.”
“I found David Beckham as about as menacing as a carrot in this clip. He stands then then he started talking with that voice and I was just expecting someone to jump out and say ha ha this was all a joke.”
When was the last time Guy Ritchie made a good movie? Was it Snatch? No, really, was it? Here is what heroes of the time probably looked like, Ritchie…