
Arnold: Leftists Killed Action Genre – ManlyMovie

Arnold: Leftists Killed Action Genre

The first real dent appeared in Arnold Schwarzenegger’s acting career in 1993 when The Last Action Hero under performed.  It was a sign of big cultural changes at the movies as action men were finding themselves increasingly less en vogue.

Now in an interview with Business Insider, Schwarzenegger blames the whole thing on Bill Clinton;

“It was one of those things where President Clinton was elected and the press somehow made the whole thing kind of political where they thought, ‘OK, the ’80s action guys are gone here’s a perfect example,’ and they wrote this narrative before anyone saw the movie. The action hero era is over, Bill Clinton is in, the highbrow movies are the ‘in’ thing now, I couldn’t recuperate.”

Yes!  Right on.  Fuck you, Clinton.  When in doubt, blame Bill Clinton, a tried and tested remedy.  And kudos to Arnold for telling some political truth for a change, as of late.

Speaking of Arnold, here’s a unique, sunnier, 30th anniversary Predator poster.