
Cruise Films 2000FT Stunt – ManlyMovie

Cruise Films 2000FT Stunt

Nice of Tom Cruise to go the extra mile to make his films more practical. In the filming of Mission: Impossible 6, Cruise is back to his old ways after returning from an injury.

Filming is currently taking place in Norway, home to some of Europe’s most breathtaking natural beauty.  See, in another movie, that kind of thing would be ‘screened’ in, with horrible artificial daylight clearly bouncing off the actor’s face.

[GIF] Tom Cruise filming latest Mission Impossible 6 stunt at Preikestolen in Norway

So, it might be PG-13 but it looks like the next ‘Mission’ movie will go the extra mile to make things look realistic. And normally these movies are actually funny too, as opposed to others which try too hard and fail.

The film is released on the 28th July 2018 and has been directed again by Christopher McQuarrie.