
Stallone Talks Rambo V, EX4: Jean Reno? – ManlyMovie

Stallone Talks Rambo V, EX4: Jean Reno?


Sylvester Stallone is in France at the minute, promoting The Expendables 3 with its premiere there.  He seems confident that there’ll be an Expendables 4, seemingly not worried about the effects that The Expendables 3 might suffer at the box office.  He also tells people there he wants Jean Reno and Christopher Lambert to appear.

“I would like Christopher Lambert in The Expendables 4 as a good guy. Actually I thought about it for part 3, but there were already people taking up space. Why not Jean Reno to play the villain, I would like Luc Besson to join us too”.

Take this with a grain of salt, even for intentions.  Every name Stallone mentions here is French, and Stallone is clearly playing to the crowd with them.  Secondly, these are not A-list ’80s icons.  They are notable, yes, but nothing to go nuts over.  Stallone also confirmed that Rambo V will be his next movie, followed by Scarpa, then The Expendables 4 and then an unverified TV show.  He must have forgotten The Expendabelles, because that’s where Stallone is next headed in Q1 2015, to film an extended cameo as Barney Ross.