
Sly Tweets: No Mel, Younger Director Sought (Raid Director?) – ManlyMovie

Sly Tweets: No Mel, Younger Director Sought (Raid Director?)

So, Sly has confirmed what we expected.  Sorry, tried hard, Mel’s living his own life….”No surprise there.  Like I said previously, I’d accept Mel’s decision if he turned it down.  Directing EX3, that is.  I mean, it is beneath him.  Y’know what, Mel, if they don’t let you use your talent and instead give talentless cronies big jobs, then fuck ’em!  I’d live my own life too.

Anyway, Sly made some further Tweets. “Searching for a young lion to tear the screen apart with fresh vision!!… I think I know who is hungry and talented…. Fate at the Gate .”  And… It will be An Unknown to most of you… Like I was centuries ago , or so it seems, But still The Battle! … Just In the Blood….” with… “Meeting the New Director Tomorrow!!! Couldf be Fantastic…. Stay tuned.”.  So who is the unknown?  Instinctively, I don’t like the sound of it.  How often does an unknown young director create history first time?  But the fact that Sly sought Mel Gibson must mean this is more than just saving money.  That attempt suggests they want someone good.  A longshot here, but what if it was Gareth Evans?  Young, talented, unknown director of The Raid?  Some say that because he is shooting The Raid 2 right now, that it is not possible.  But production of The Raid 2 began late January and will wrap at the beginning of next month.  EX3 will probably not shoot untill September.

Could it be?