
Superhero Monotony – No End In Sight – ManlyMovie

Superhero Monotony – No End In Sight


Further to a rant I penned last year, this onslaught of comic book/superhero stuff has gotten out of hand.  And there is no end in sight.  2016 will have seven of these movies.  2017 will have ten.  Ten comic book movies in one year?  You have got to be fucking joking.  Why not just call the cinema the comic book viewing centre.

And it’s not quantity either.  The quality of these movies has long since been in the toilet.  No critic with a lick of intelligence wants to say it, otherwise they’ll be blacklisted (that’s what happens when you write honest reviews) or, worse, recieve death threats.  I look at these movies, from the late ’00s onwards and the stuff that I see on screen is completely divorced from the hype machine that sells them – including cowardly critics.  Most of ’em are mediocre at best.

Anyway, again… no end in sight.  And a site/group called ‘Comics Alliance’ has drawn up a chart to show how many of these things are on the horizon.  Look for yourself and see how bad this rot has gotten.
