
Spielberg’s Cold War Thriller Officially Titled “Bridge Of Spies” – ManlyMovie

Spielberg’s Cold War Thriller Officially Titled “Bridge Of Spies”


Scheduled for release on October 16th 2015 is the much talked about upcoming Cold War thriller created by long-term duo Steven Spielberg and Tom Hanks.  Previously it was untitled, then rumoured to be called “St. James’ Place”, then untitled, now… officially called “Bridge of Spies”.  Much better!

The movie tells the true story of James Donovan, an attorney who was put into the center of the Cold War when he negotiated the release of downed U-2 spy plane pilot Gary Powers.  I am guessing that Tom Hanks is set to play Donovan.  The Coen Brothers have penned the script for the movie.

Check out this set video shows production and filming under way.  Hopefully the movie overall looks like this, practical with minimal CGI to bring to life the early 1960s.