
Vin Diesel Says Action Movies Treated Unfairly At Oscars – ManlyMovie

Vin Diesel Says Action Movies Treated Unfairly At Oscars


Vin Diesel recently said that Furious 7 deserves an Oscar.  Well whether that happens or not, who knows.  But perhaps now his tone has changed slightly from optimism towards resentment.

“Do I shy away from aiming high? No, I don’t,” said the 47-year-old actor, who has appeared in virtually all of the “Fast & Furious” action films based around fast cars. He spoke to The Associated Press while in Beijing to promote the new film.

“And yet we all know that there’s a little stigma towards action films, we know it, we’ve heard people complain about it, we’ve heard Marvel complain about it, we’ve heard DC complain about it, and now Harry Potter, Hunger Games, Batman has never gotten a shot at that,” he said.

Alluding to the fact that many of the recent Oscar best picture winners haven’t fared well at the box office, Diesel said: “The Oscars have been somewhat criticized in the last couple of years for maybe not being as populist as they could be, but we have a very powerful movie here.”

I more or less agree with this.  Movies are a visual art form that can entertain in various ways and action movies serve a purpose as well.