There are still plans for a third Conan movie, titled The Legend of Conan. And Furious 7 writer Chris Morgan has this week given a little update, sort of, on the movie.
It is incredible (“Conan”). Will Beall is our writer on that. Will knows the voice of Conan better than anyone I ever met. Arnold is excited, Universal is excited, it’s a worthy film. Alex Kurtzman and I are overseeing writers on Universal’s monster films “The Mummy,” “The Creature from the Black Lagoon,” and “The Wolf Man.” We are given responsibility for shepherding new versions of the movies — it’s a ton of responsibility and a lot of fun to pitch ideas with monster films.
When I think about it, when I was a kid, I used to come to Universal Studios because I loved “Jaws” and “Conan” which had a live show, which was one of my favorites. I remember the dialogue from it, there’s a great hero moment from that show. There was a “Castle Dracula” show too.
It’s good to see the movie is still being officially talked about, at least. I think we’re going to know how likely this movie is really going to be after Terminator: Genisys comes and goes. Legend of Conan: Good idea. Terminator: Genisys, horrible.
One could affect the other.