
Top Five: Nitrous Oxide in Movies – Page 4 – ManlyMovie

Top Five: Nitrous Oxide in Movies

2) Ford F-100 Chassis Vs Pursuit Special (Mad Max 2)

 Lord Humungus’ rig is something else.  It’s an amost completely stripped Ford F100 with a fake second axle added, it seems.  Looks like a ‘made for movie’ vehicle, the idea possibly being a stripped truck tractor (hence the second axle).  Who knows, it just looks the shit.  The nitrous is hit twice in the movie.  First when Vernon Wells gives chase to Mel.  By the way, contrary to what some might think, the Interceptor is not rigged to spray.  In the original movie, the mechanic says ‘she sucks nitro’, but he’s referring to nitromethane fuel in the tank.  And before Max leaves the compound in the 2nd movie, you hear him asking for it.  Anyway, in both instances Miller shoots it nicely,  we see Wells waiting/listening for optimal revs (rather than just hitting the button willy nilly) then letting rip.  Humungus himself uses it during the final chase.

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