Looking forward to Rambo IV? Conan 3? The new Predator movie perhaps? Or Beverly Hills Cop IV, produced by the same company as Terminator: Genisys? Well hold your horses there, because before the summer ends in 2015, Terminator: Genisys will have issued untold damage to the prospects of those movies. Like those movies, the Terminator series is an old school violent 80s/90s actioner series, a bit sci-fi and horror too. And when this piece of shit drops into the pool this summer, a lot of pontential investors in the the above list of movies are going to dive right out.
There’s a (turdminator) in the pool
It doesn’t matter if some of them realise that the movie itself is bad, and not all of these movies are the same. What matters is the amount of stupid out of touch executives who see two things, the name and the bottom dollar. Oh, people don’t want to see those movies these days, they’ll say. Look at Terminator 5, terrible reviews and a box office bomb. Give us our money back, sorry.
Sadly, while decades ago Arnold Schwarzenegger could deliver heavy blows for movies like this, his latest Terminator movie is a vanity project and nothing more. He is pretty much chief contributor to the incoming disaster. Let me explain why. Those execs? When Terminator: Genisys bombs, one of their first excuses is going to be that nobody wants to see older action stars like Schwarzenegger. They won’t care about the terrible promotion – 90% of them won’t even have seen it.
Instead, what they will see is a big retro name and assign blame to that – and by inclusion other names. You see, by willingly signing on to a piece of shit, Arnold Schwarzenegger has thrown a ball and chain around the other necks of the 80’s/90’s necks.
When Terminator: Genisys bombs and is savaged by critics, everyone from Mel Gibson to Sylvester Stallone and hell, maybe even Kurt Russell, is going to feel it in some way. Especially those in between, thank God Michael Biehn has already signed the contract for Alien 5.
Few will appreciate the upcoming joke
The ayatollah of rock and rolla
Fortunately, one of the all time greats has just came back. George Miller’s Fury Road was released just in time. Kind of like when AC/DC released Thunderstruck in 1990, they forced the shit back off the stage and proved they were still boss. It falls into the same category as Rambo and such, including Terminator. An 80’s classic. And like the cavalry tearing up the road when the camp is surrounded, Miller has bailed us all out. He has said, ahead of time, not so fast guys, this kind of movie can still be done. And you know what? It can wipe the floor with the other exhaustive and thin shit currently being pumped out. Even the haters are heralding Fury Road’s refreshing quality, where action is delivered just as it should be. And by the way, staying true to its heritage, the new Mad Max is R-rated.
Terminator: Genisys, you could say, was about to deal untold damage to our beloved retro action and manly movies. But Mad Max: Fury Road might have cancelled it out before it even happens.
There’s another potential benefit. The studios and investors might not only reconsider where they place their money as a result of Mad Max: Fury Road, they might also reconsider who they make responsible for it. George Miller is an old man, he’s 70 now. But he has just showed ’em all how it’s done. This raises the prospects for other by-gone directors. John McTiernan, John Woo, Paul Verhoeven. I’m telling you, this is a big deal and almost a polar opposite of hiring yes-man hack Alan Taylor. Again, more damage countered.
In short, George Miller has just manned the bilge pump.