
Ready For… Mad Max 5: The Wasteland? – ManlyMovie

Ready For… Mad Max 5: The Wasteland?


Since Mad Max: Fury Road is leaving everyone slack jawed, two very cool things have happened.  First, one of the trio of who I consider to be the three action Gods (George Miller, John McTiernan, James Cameron) has appeared on Twitter for the first time.

There is more Mad Max to come and we’re not just talking about Mad Max: The Video Game due September 1st, rather the fifth movie George mentions above.  And according to Variety the movie will be called Mad Max: The Wasteland.

See kids, this is how you update a 1980’s action franchise, not by whoring out in an attempt to stay relevant. (more on this tomorrow).  I also think the consensus is that Tom Hardy is accepted as the new Max.  He got the blessing of both Miller and Mel Gibson.