
Fury Road Sequel Titled ‘Wasteland’? – ManlyMovie

Fury Road Sequel Titled ‘Wasteland’?

hardymaxSo what next for what will probably be the manliest movie of the year in Mad Max: Fury Road?  Apart from the loosely tied-in video game releasing next month, that is?  Well apparently the sequel will be titled Mad Max: The Wasteland.  It even has an IMDb page, although those can be created by anyone with a pro acount.

Charlize Theron however, doesn’t appear to know of its existence.  “What’s ‘Wasteland’? This is all news to me. I have not heard anything like that,” she told USA Today, when asked if she was signed up for the movie.

I think I could do without Theron in the new movie but she’s probably simply keeping quiet or it is probably just too early for them to sign her on to anything.  Mind you, we should be careful.  Fury Road brought the nuts out.  Amid the hype for Fury Road, George Miller appeared on Twitter, made some announcements.  Twitter even verified the account.

A new victory for trolls, since it wasn’t him.